Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lilliane Dietz

Lilliane Dietz

Well, here is a real mystery woman. I, anyway, can find virtually no information about her except for the following 1936 NYT film review of a film in which she appeared - along with a young Vittorio de Sica.

"Instead of being called "The Song of the Sun," the new Italian film at the Teatro Cine-Roma ought to be labeled "Something New Under the Sun." For, incredible as it may seem to hardened cinema patrons, here is a delightful romantic comedy, built around a former Metropolitan Opera tenor, but with a handsome lawyer as the hero and the singer kept well in the background and not required to do anything outside his vocal métier.

Thanks to the pleasant music woven through the highly amusing action by Maestro Mascagni, the competent direction of a German expert and the beautiful photography, there is hardly a dull moment in this gay tale or mistaken identity. And even if the picture were less entertaining per se, the charming screen presence of Lilliane Dietz, a pretty blond German actress, would furnish attraction enough to hold the attention of the audience."

Lilliane Dietz - What do you think? Allure?

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